HOME / SHOP / BACK TO SCHOOL PROMODiscover the benefits of REAL Mānuka Honey Shield your kids with these back-to-school essentialsShield your kids with these back-to-school essentials Kids Power Trio Maintain your kids’s general well-being from the inside with yummy natural treats.40%OFFRM212RM127 SHOP NOW 30 Days Kids Immunity Super Pack Natural boost of immunity, adored by kids, approved by parents.40%OFFRM486RM291 SHOP NOW Explore more immunity boosting products for your little onesExplore more immunity boosting products for your little ones UMF™ 15+ Mānuka Honey 250gPowerful boost of immune system. Promotes digestive wellness, keeps their tummies happy.35%OFFRM438RM284.70 SHOP NOW UMF™ 5+ Mānuka Honey 500gNourish with the natural sweetener, enhance overall well-being in a delicious way.35%OFFRM218RM141.20 SHOP NOW Kids Mānuka Honey GummiesA fun, chewy way to boost immune system. Fun to eat and tastes great at any time of the day!60%OFFRM98RM39.20 SHOP NOW The Comvita Collective love it!