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Berry Smoothie With Manuka Honey

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Berry Smoothie with Manuka Honey

Create a healthy Berry Smoothie which ends up a lovely pinkish colour. Generally bananas and raspberries work well, but feel free to get creative and swap seasonal berries in or out.



1 Banana

100g Raspberries and/or seasonal berries

25g Blueberries

50ml Almond milk

1 Tsp Manuka honey


Simply blend all the ingredients together. Serve with a berry or two sitting on the top and on the plate, add nuts or flowers to impress! Top with a teaspoon of Manuka Honey.


Parent’s Embrace
RM384.00 RM192.00
Rated 5.00 out of 5
Endless Gratitude
RM1,216.00 RM717.00
Rewarewa Honey 500g
RM118.00 RM59.00
UMF™ 18+ Manuka Honey 250g
RM598.00 RM388.00
Rated 5.00 out of 5
Comvita Propolis Elixir added with Comvita Manuka Honey UMF 10+
Propolis Herbal Elixir
Rated 5.00 out of 5
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